Well, almost. Woke up and was not feeling 100% so decided I should not go to the gym and instead should sleep an additional hour and a half. Probably a good choice.
Took me a bit to settle into work mentally today as my brain was still a bit foggy from the illness. At 11am local time a few of us had a conference call with some people in London talking about social media strategies. I’m pretty excited to be working on this; I can’t say I learned too much from the call but once I learn a bit more about this particular aspect of our business and get going (and training the others), it will be good.
After lunch I worked some more on a spreadsheet outlining what still needs to be done for the school. This was interrupted by a meeting I had scheduled to talk about the business plan worksheet and template, which we had downstairs in the hub and Jeff lit a fire, for the afternoon hot chocolate & social to celebrate the arrival of bad weather. Or, to have an excuse to light a fire and tell stories about Jeff since tomorrow is his last day. And break a plate. Also there is a new woman at work, from Vancouver originally but living here now. I’m excited to have gained a new member of the crew, especially one who invites me out for beer. I always say a bar date beats a coffee date.
Up next at work: finish the core business plan module Powerpoint decks, then go back to the feasibility study modules and write up facilitator notes. Not looking forward to that; I think it will be quite dull. But, unfortunately, necessary. On the plus side, we may be getting an intern MBA student from UCT in to help me out, which would be fabulous.
Then the rains started. When it rains here the roof drips but what really amused me was the driving rains creating a puddle at the foot of the metal stairs up to the office. I swear, this office environment would never fly in the U.S. – first of all, it is nowhere near ADA-compliant and secondly, there are major safety issues such as puddles of water at the bottom of metal steps! On the way out of the building, the fog was so thick that we couldn’t even see to Devils Peak, and the wind was so driving that it took my breath away!
After work I took one of my friends Laura down to Diep River. She is from the Netherlands and is going to Joburg for two weeks, then back home. But the family she was staying with is in Diep River, so I gave her a ride. Unfortunately we left at literally the worst time – the traffic was crawling to get to the N2, and better but not fast on the M3 south. The trip took like 35 minutes, and the return trip was all of 15. One thing I don’t particularly care for about this country is the lack of reflective paint or reflectors on the road, so it can be quite difficult to tell where the lanes are when it’s dark, and it’s even worse when it’s raining! But, the tires and brakes on my car are good so all is well – I just need to keep reminding myself that it’s not AWD. The kick-ass turning radius reminds me every time though, man, I love the cars in this country!
She was so sweet she left candy bars for a bunch of us. Except that I’m trying to stay away from the candy bars. I’ll save it for the next time I’m ailing, because I always crave chocolate when I’m sick and that’s about the only time.
The picture? That’s dinner. I always think blog posts are more fun when there’s a picture to go along but there was nothing interesting to take a picture of today, so I thought I’d photograph my dinner: impala filet with butternut squash and pak choi. The butternut squashes I got in my veggie bag a few weeks ago are so cutely tiny – they are literally single-serve. Que adorable!
The wind and rain started in earnest this evening. My roommate was taking a shower and thought there was an earthquake because the door was rattling so hard … and this is inside the flat! By the windows, it is quite cold and the whole place is noisy from the wind and the rain. A good night to curl up with a book, and I’m aiming to get to bed early because I really want to hit the gym tomorrow. I’m in a bit of withdrawal, and today they did deadlifts and man, I like deadlifts. Bah.
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